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Circularo Sales and Licensing FAQs

Subscriptions and licensing

How is Circularo licensed?

Circularo is available as a SaaS product (Pro, Business or Enterprise plans) or for On-Premise deployment (Ultimate plan).

Circularo SaaS is a subscription-based license that gives you access to all of Circularo features and functions for the subscription period. This means that you will always have access to the latest version of Circularo.

Circularo On-premise is a time (or 'term') based license that is deployed on-premise or in a dedicated cloud, and requires you to buy maintenance and support services separately. These solutions are generally better suited to larger customers with over 500 users.

What are Circularo plans?

Circularo subscription plans are our product tiers and offerings.

There are four subscription plans:

  • Pro - a plan best suited to individuals or small organizations that will only have user-based pricing, and do not need any extra Add-Ons;

  • Business - a plan best suited to teams and organizations that will use either user-based or translation-based pricing, and might require some extra Add-Ons;

  • Enterprise - a plan best suited to larger organizations that r require a variety of Add-ons and Customizations options;

  • Ultimate - our premium plan for customers who require creative pricing solutions, more complex on-premise or private cloud deployments and greater support.

What are the main licensing options?

For either SaaS or On-Premise deployments, you can choose either:

  • User-based pricing - limited or unlimited Circularo Transactions per user; or

  • Transaction-based pricing - limited Circularo Transactions per organization, but with unlimited users.

Unfortunately, you cannot combine these pricing models, but you can change them as part of your renewal.

How does user-based pricing work?

If you have a few users who will use Circularo often, you might consider user-based pricing - where you pay per user, not per transaction.

What are Circularo users?

A Circularo user is a person (not a company, organization or similar entity) who has registered for Circularo using an email address that is not shared or used by anyone else. This means users registered by your organization cannot share access or logins to Circularo and we strongly recommend using 2-factor authentication to help protect your organization.

There are 3 types of Circularo users:

  • Regular - standard named users with a registered profile, full access and functionality;

  • Lite - named users with a registered Circularo profile, but with limited access and functionality (Sign Only, Read Only or Prepare Only); and

  • External - a public user with no registered Circularo profile, external recipient outside of your organization.

As part of your Circularo subscription, you pay for Regular and Lite Users. You can have as many External users as you like.

Regular vs Lite users

Regular users have full access to your Circularo environment and are able to use all the features that are part of your subscription. Regular users can have special permissions, such as admin, advanced and other user categories. You can nominate your Regular users and can change these during your subscription.

Lite users can only use some of the features that are part of your subscription. There are 3 types of Lite users:

  • Read only - users who can view all Circularo documents they have access to, can add comments and mention others;

  • Sign only - users who can receive signature requests from Regular users and sign these documents. They cannot request signatures from other users or initiate the signing, create, upload or archive documents in the system;

  • Prepare only

User privileges and access rights for Lite users are configured during set-up and cannot be managed by an organization during a subscription. However, Lite users can manage their profile and preferences at any time, for example by creating a predefined signature or stamp (Sign only). Regular and Lite Users must belong to the same organization and have the same organizational email domain

Why have different types of Lite users?

Simple! It allows greater pricing flexibility and means you pay for what you use.

Many other solutions require customers to purchase full-functionality subscriptions, even if users do not use all of a product's features. Circularo is different. We work with you to understand who will be using Circularo at your organization and how they will be using it. For example, an executive director who reviews, approves and signs documents, is unlikely to be also archiving these or requesting signatures from others in your organization.

What are External Users / External Recipients?

External users can only view and sign documents that are shared by Regular users through a secure email link. External users (or 'recipients') cannot login to Circularo, manage a profile or create stamps or signatures.

Each subscription plan includes an unlimited number of External users.

Can Circularo users share the same email ID?

Unfortunately, not. Each Circularo Regular User or Lite User must be a single, real person (not a company, team or a department), who has registered for Circularo using an email address that is not shared by any other person. This means that you cannot use a group email (eg. You must make sure your users do not share access or logins to Circularo and we strongly encourage you to use 2-Factor authentication.

How does Transaction-based pricing work?

If you have many users who will use Circularo infrequently, you might consider transaction-based pricing - where you pay per transaction, not per user.

What is a Circularo Transaction?

A Circularo 'Transaction' is a single, unique request made by a user to process a document in an organization's Circularo environment. This request can be made either:

  • In Circularo - when a Regular user take an action in Circularo, via their browser, app or a standard Circularo add-on;

  • Through the Circularo API - when an action is initiated by an external application that has been integrated with Circularo using Circularo API and a Circularo user’s credentials. This feature is suitable for larger organizations with specific automation needs. Circularo API transactions are charged separately.

You can have as many reviewers, participants, signatories and document signatures per Transaction as you like. Transaction requests are consumed regardless of the outcome of your document process. For example, if you upload a document and send it to three people for review and signing, this will be counted as one Transaction, regardless of whether the document is signed, rejected or canceled by one or more of the recipients.

How many transactions are included in my subscription?

It depends on the type of subscription you have. If you purchase user-based pricing, you can choose either to have a limited or unlimited number of transactions per user. The number of transactions is selected by you when purchasing.

If you purchase transaction-based pricing, then you select the number of transactions per organization when purchasing.

Are there any limitations on the number of transactions I can buy?

There are no upper limits but there are limitations on the minimum number of transactions you can buy per your organization. The reason is that the transactions purchased on the organization level come with an unlimited number of users included. If your transaction volume is low you might be better off to go for a user based subscription with a limited number of transactions per user.

What happens if I have no more transactions left?

At the beginning of your subscription, you will be allocated a number of transactions.

If you run out of Transactions during your Subscription, your users may not be able to use certain Circularo features until you purchase additional Transactions. We will do our best to let you know when your organization is running low on available Transactions, but it is your responsibility to keep an eye on this.

What happens if I do not consume all my transactions?

Unused Transactions expire at the end of the subscription period. You cannot apply unused Transactions when renewing your subscription period.

How is Circularo API licensed?

Circularo API is available with Enterprise and Ultimate plans. It provides the capability to develop custom integrations by integrating Circularo functionality with any 3rd party systems and applications using REST API.

Circularo API is licensed per each transaction (see Circularo 'Transactions')_ and is covered by the Terms of Service. Any time you use Circularo API for your automations or integration tasks, you will be charged per each API transaction request to process a particular document.

Add-Ons & Customizations

What are Circularo add-ons?

Circularo offers a wide range of Add-ons and Customisations, which allow your organization to adapt Circularo to your needs.

Add-ons are ready-to-go solutions that are purchased along with your subscription and can be used at any time during your subscription.

Some more commonly-used Add-ons include:

  • a custom email identity that allows you to email notifications and requests using a custom email (eg.;

  • design customisation that allows you tailor logos and color schemes for all your users in the Circularo web app;

  • UAE PASS integration that allows UAE Pass for user authentication for the Circularo platform.

What are Circularo customizations?

Circularo customizations are extra configurations of the product that enhance it to deliver tailored solutions to your organization.

Those customizations will often require us to spend more time preparing Circularo for your needs. Customizations also require a higher level of support and are generally more suited to Enterprise or Ultimate plans.

Some more commonly-used customizations include custom:

  • home pages with a your layout, KPTs and actionalable shortcuts;

  • dashboards that allows you to show your scorecards, tables, lists and charts displaying the KPIs and other details;

  • online dashboard with scorecards, tables, lists and charts displaying the KPIs and other details.

Subscriptions & Licensing Upgrades

Can I upgrade or downgrade any time?

Yes, you can upgrade your plan at any time. If you wish to downgrade, this change will be effective at the beginning of your next Subscription Period. For example, if you have an annual subscription for a Pro plan, but would like to upgrade to the Enterprise plan, you can let us know anytime and you can start using the Enterprise plan from the beginning of the next month. If you need your upgrade to be effective sooner, please contact us at

Can I transfer Circularo users or subscriptions?

Unfortunately, you cannot transfer your subscription to another organization during the current Subscription period.

You also cannot transfer users during your subscription period. For example, if George is a 'Regular' user as part of his company's annual 'Business' subscription plan, George cannot transfer his login or Circularo account to his colleague, Anna. Anna would need to register as a new 'Regular' user during the subscription period, or George could wait until the end of the subscription period before transferring his login or Circularo account to Anna.

Can users in the same organization share logins?

No, users cannot share logins. This is a breach of our terms of service, and means we can suspend your organization's access to Circularo.

Does my Circularo subscription auto-renew?

Yes, your organization's subscription auto-renews at the end of your subscription period. We do this to minimize customer disruption and ensure continuity of service.

If you do not want your organization's subscription to auto-renew, just let us know at

How can I end my Circularo subscription?

If you are unhappy with Circularo or think it does not meet your requirements, please let us know.

You can always end ('terminate') your subscription by giving us notice, according to the Circularo Terms of Service. This termination will be effective from the beginning of your next subscription period.

Can I obtain a refund?

If you terminate your subscription within 30 days of it starting, you can request a full refund on the purchase price of the subscription. However, you cannot request a refund on any Add-ons or Customization services that we have provided in this period. You can only obtain a refund once.

What happens after my contract ends or expires?

If your contract is terminated, or if you choose not to auto-renew your subscription, then you are unable to use Circularo. This means that we are not required to store your information or keep backups of it. It is your responsibility to migrate your documents and information from Circularo before the end of your subscription.

Why are your terms of service governed by Czech law?

If you are located in the European Union, your Terms of Service will be governed by Czech law. This is because Circularo Europe s.r.o is the company that develops and maintains the Circularo product and is based in the Czech Republic. This is also where our R&D offices are located. Accordingly, our agreements are governed by Czech law. If you are located in the MENA or any other region, your Terms of Service will be governed by local law (UAE). If you require a neutral governing law for your agreements, please let us know.

Support and SLAs

What support is included with a subscription?

Each subscription includes Circularo's Standard Support Plan, except trial or promotional offers. As part of this plan your organization will receive support available 8 hours, 5 days a week. You will also have full access to self-service resources as well as to an online helpdesk. More details are available in the SaaS Support Policy

What support plans can I purchase?

You can purchase a Plus Support Plan, Premium Support Plan or an Enterprise Support Plan. The SaaS Support Policy describes the key differences between each support plan - and some of these include different tiers of support availability, shorter response times, uptime commitments and the availability of a support manager.

If you are purchasing an Enterprise planwith extra customizations, we strongly recommend that you consider an Enterprise Support Plan, to ensure that your customisations are properly supported and maintained.

What is your uptime SLA?

If you have a Plus Support Plan and Premium Support Plan, we offer a 99.95% uptime. How we calculate uptime and what you can expect is described in more detail in the SLAs.

How do you support Enterprise Plan customisations?

Some customisations will require special support and maintenance. When we provide you with a quote for an Enterprise plan, we will also let you know what support is required and how much this will cost. More detail is available in the Circularo SaaS Support Policy.

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