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Circularo SaaS Support Policy

Effective From: August 18, 2023 (Version 1.3)


This Circularo SaaS Support Policy (“Policy”) describes the level of Service and technical support you are entitled to as part of your Circularo SaaS Service.

This Policy does not cover support for on-premise Services or replace any other agreement you may have with either, if your registered address is in the European Union, Circularo Europe s.r.o. Revolucni 1082/8 11000, Prague 1, Czech Republic or, if your registered address is anywhere else, Circularo Mena FZE, with address DTEC Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Centre, Dubai Silicon Oasis, United Arab Emirates (“Circularo”, “Us”, “We”).

"You" are an Individual Customer or Corporate Customer as defined in the current version of the terms of service available at URL ("Terms Of Service"), including all Users in respect of Corporate Customers.

If you have any questions about this Policy, how it applies to you or would like an earlier version, please contact us at


All capitalized words in this Policy have the same definition as the Terms of Service, except for the following terms that have the following meaning:

1.1. Customized Escalation Process means the ability to customize and request a specific support and escalation process in relation to the Support Services, subject to approval by us. Customized Escalation is available only for certain Support Plans and Subscription Plans with monthly Subscription fees exceeding USD $15,000.

1.2. Dedicated Success Manager means a dedicated customer success manager who will provide one-on-one guidance to your Users when using the Service and will become familiar with your requirements, goals, and understand your environment to minimize the provision of background information as part of your support needs. A Dedicated Success Manager is available only for certain Support Plans and Subscription Plans with monthly Subscription fees exceeding USD $15,000;

1.3. Developer Support means technical consulting and developer support in relation to REST API integration. This Support Extra is available on the basis of Man Days and is provided on the basis of the Professional Services Terms and Conditions;

1.4. Non-Support Day means Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday in the Czech Republic;

1.5. Online Helpdesk means the in-Service help desk function or a dedicated support email if the in-Service helpdesk is not available;

1.6. Per-Use Charges mean charges additional to your Subscription fees for the Service and include any Add-ons, Professional Services, customisations or configurations, or fees for third-party services integrating or used along with the Services;

1.7. Phone Support means access to customer support (English only) to address technical questions and product related questions during standard Support hours. Phone Support is available only for certain Support Plans and Subscription Plans with monthly Subscription fees exceeding USD $15,000.

1.8. Priority Email Support means the ability to submit Support Requests either through the in-Service 'help desk' feature or by emailing a dedicated support email address that we will provide to you. If you are eligible for priority email support, you must nominate a representative to submit Support Requests on your behalf;

1.9. Request Quota means the maximum number of Support Requests that you can submit in any given 12 month period during a current Support Period. Additional Support Requests can be purchased in 5 Service Request increments;

1.10. Self-Service Resources means publicly available instructional resources intended to assist with Service support;

1.11. Service means a Circularo 'software-as-a-service' (SaaS) Service;

1.12. Support Availability Hours means the days and times during which we are available to provide support. This does not mean we will resolve an issue raised in a Service Request;

1.13. Support Extra means an additional service that forms part of your Support Plan and includes Whatsapp Support, Customized Escalation Process, Support Manager, Phone Support.

1.14. Support Hour means a period of 60 minutes during the Support Availability Hours;

1.15. Support Manager means a dedicated customer success manager assigned to you, who is your single point of contact for all support and account-related questions. Your customer success manager will assist with support requests, resolve issues and act as your Service advocate;

1.16. Support Plan means one of the plans described in Section 4;

1.17. Support Request means a single question, issue or new feature request made by you in relation to the Service;

1.18. Support Services mean the services provided by us under this Policy;

1.19. System Monitoring means the period during which we monitor the performance of the systems that make the Service available to you;

1.20. Target Response Time means the average time (in hours) taken by us to respond to a Service Request after it has been submitted by you, averaged over all Support Requests submitted by you. This does not include the average time taken to resolve an issue raised in the Service Request;

1.21. Target Resolution Time means the period of time (in hours) that it takes us to resolve a Service Request after it has been submitted by you; and

1.22. WhatsApp Support means Support Services provided to you through a dedicated Circularo support whatsapp number that enables you to submit Service Requests or escalate your issues via WhatsApp (a messaging service and trademark owned by# ). WhatsApp Support is available only for certain Support Plans and Subscription Plans with monthly Subscription fees exceeding USD $10,000.

Terms of Service

1. Terms of Service. This Policy forms part of the Terms of Service. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Terms of Service and this Policy, the terms of this Policy prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.
2. Applicability. This Policy applies to the Pro, Business and Enterprise Subscription Plans.. If you have an Ultimate Subscription plan, our support and service level obligations are described in a separate agreement.

Support Plans

3. Support Plans. Each Subscription Plan, except Trial Subscriptions, include a Standard Support Plan and you are entitled to receive the support described in this Policy as part of the Standard Support Plan. If you require additional support, you may purchase a Plus Support Plan or Premium Support Plan. If you have an Enterprise Subscription Plan you are encouraged to purchase an Enterprise Support Plan suitable to your Enterprise customisations.

Your support options are described as follows:

Circularo Pro

Circularo Business

Circularo Enterprise

Standard Support Plan

Included with subscription

Included with subscription

Included with subscription

Plus Support Plan




Premium Support Plan




Enterprise Support Plan




(subject to Sections 10, 11 and 12)

4. Support Period. Your Support Plan starts on the same date as your Subscription Period and ends on the same date as your Subscription Period ("Support Period"). Your Support Plan renews with our Subscription Plan, unless your Subscription is terminated earlier.

5. Changes. You can change your Support Plan at any time during the Subscription Period. If you are changing to a higher Support Plan, your change will be effective immediately and any Support Request Quotas will be transferred to your new Support Plan. If you are changing to a lower Support Plan, your change will be effective at the beginning of the next Subscription Period.

6. Support Extras. You can purchase Support Extra where these are available for your Support Plan.

Support Features

7. Support Features. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with each of the following support services:


Support Plan


Support Plan

Premium Support Plan

Support Availability Hours

8 hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm Central European Time)

5 days (Monday to Friday, excluding Non-Support Days)

12 hours

(8:00 am

to 8:00 pm Central European Time)

7 days (Monday to Sunday)

24 hours

7 days (Monday to Sunday)

Target Response Time

(Normal Priority)

< 32 hours

< 24 hours

< 8 hours

Target Response Time

(Urgent Priority)

< 48 hours

< 24 hours

< 4 hours

Target Resolution Time

(Normal Priority)

< 5 days

< 3 days

< 2 day

Target Resolution Time

(Urgent Priority)

< 4 days

< 2 day

< 1 day

Request Quota

(Normal Priority)




Annual Request Quota

(Urgent Priority)




Phone Support

Not available



Priority Email Support

Not Included



WhatsApp Support

Not available



Customized Escalation

Not available



Support Manager

Not Included

Not Included


Dedicated Success Manager

Not available

Not available


Extra Support Hours

Not available



8. Included Services. The following support services are included in each Support Plan: 24x7 System Monitoring, access to Self-Service Resources and Online Helpdesk.

9. Priority. Our response and resolution times are measured in relation to a priority rating of "Normal" and "Urgent". When submitting a Support Request you can prioritize it as "Urgent" by including the word "Urgent" in the subject line or in any part of the message. If you are receiving Whatsapp Support or Phone Support, you can prioritize a Support Request as "Urgent" by telling your Support Manager, Dedicated Success Manager or other Circularo representative that you regard the request as "Urgent". If you do not prioritize a Support Request as "Urgent," we will regard it as "Normal".

10. Support Requests. Support Requests must be submitted through the Circularo SaaS help desk feature, unless you are entitled to Priority Email Support, WhatsApp Support or Phone Support. If you submit Support Requests in any other way, we may not regard them as validly submitted and are not required to respond or resolve the issues or errors. You agree that we may close any Support Request after 5 days, if we consider the issue resolved, you have not provided requested information or the Support Request is otherwise inactive.

11. Providing Necessary Information. When submitting a Service Request, you must provide all necessary information, and in sufficient detail and specificity, in order for our support staff to properly identify and diagnose an issue, and ensure a timely response and/or resolution of a Support Request. This includes information about when and how the issue appeared, steps to reproduce the issue, exact error messages, and changes made to the system or environment prior to the issue. Failure to supply this information upon request may result in a delay of support assistance.

12. Non-Resolution. You acknowledge that we may be unable to resolve a Support Request in the Target Resolution Time due to a number of influencing factors, including the timing of your replies, the response time of a third party, or the need to prepare and release hotfix, software update and/or new features.

Enterprise Support

13. Scope of Support. You understand Enterprise Customisations may require additional support and maintenance that is not within the scope of the Standard, Plus or Premium Support Plan. "Enterprise Customisations" mean custom Service configurations, extensions, integrations or automations implemented under an Enterprise Subscription Plan. We encourage you to purchase an Enterprise Plan to provide adequate support for your customization.

14. Support Contact. If you purchased an Enterprise Support Plan to cover custom configurations of your Enterprise edition, you must nominate a representative to act as a single point of contact on behalf of your organization who will submit Support Requests on your behalf and provide necessary cooperation and escalations if required. You acknowledge and agree that we are not required to provide Support Services if Support Requests are not submitted by your nominated representative.

15. Specific Support. If you purchase the Enterprise Support Plan, we will provide support for the Enterprise Customisations. During the Support Period, we will agree with you suitable support and maintenance requirements specific to the Enterprise Customisations. Once agreed, these will form part of the Support Services to be provided under this Policy. You acknowledge that these may vary and are determined on a case-by-case basis, in reference to the nature of the Enterprise Customisations, your operating requirements, system constraints, modifications to Service functionality and the intended use of the Services.


16. Limitations. We will have no obligation to provide the Support Services in the event that:

16.1. the Service is reconfigured or modified by you or anyone other than us (or authorised by us) or is used contrary to the Documentation;

16.2. an error or issue is caused by your negligence, misconduct, or misuse of the Service, a hardware malfunction, or other causes beyond our reasonable control;

16.3. an error or issue is caused to third party software, including by third party hosting provider;

16.4. you have not installed or implemented the latest Service version, upgrade, fix or patch provided by ys or if you install or implement these when we have not released them publicly.

17. Third Party Software. The Support Services are not provided in relation to any third party software that integrates with the Service, even if these are made available by us.

18. Support Exclusions. The Support Services do not apply or include the following:

18.1. any Circularo SaaS version that is not designated as a production release, such as a beta-releases, milestone, release candidate, sandbox code or any other repository that is not packaged into Serviceion release;

18.2. APIs, interfaces or data formats other than those included with the Service;

18.3. installation, configuration, management and operation of Customer's applications; or

18.4. any Professional Service as defined in the Professional Services Terms and Conditions.

Your Responsibilities

19. Communication. You are responsible for ensuring that your staff, contractors, users and all other personnel that use the Service have sufficient language and technical skills, and respond to and cooperate with us in a timely manner, in order for us to acknowledge, diagnose and resolve Support Requests and provide the Support Services. We ask that you respect our personnel and all communication must be consistent with the Acceptable Use Policy.

20. Self-Assessment. You must use, and our provision of the Support Services is conditional on your, reasonable efforts to:

20.1. upon submitting a Support Request, provide sufficient information and technical data in order for us to establish whether the request relates to an issue or error that is excluded from the Support Services;

20.2. make available and expend reasonable resources to provide any data reasonably requested by us to adequately address the potential problem;

20.3. cooperate with our personnel to enable the Support Services to be provided; and

20.4. utilize sufficient resources to understand our instructions in addressing Support Request, and make reasonable attempts to correct an issue or error as instructed by us.

You acknowledge and agree that the extent of access, accuracy of information and technical data you provide to us may affect our ability to provide the Support Services.

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