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Acceptable Use & IP Policy

Effective From: August 18, 2023 (Version 1.1)

In order to ensure the Services run smoothly, securely and are accessible for all users, we have certain expectations about how the Services should be used. This "Policy" sets out these expectations and defines certain behaviour that is unacceptable and is incorporated by reference into the Circularo Terms of Service ("Terms"). Capitalised terms in this Policy have the same definitions as in the Terms.


We have the right to monitor your use of a Service in order to determine your compliance with this Policy. We may review, edit or withdraw access to any Content, if we believe it breaches this Policy. Without affecting any other remedies, we have the right to permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your User Account, Subscription or access to the Services without notice or liability to us (in our sole discretion), if we determine that you, or your User, has violated this Policy.

You must not do, or attempt to do, any of the following in relation to a Service:


  • (Illegality) upload, store or transmit information or material that is illegal under applicable laws;

  • (Incite) encourage or incite illegal, violent or discriminatory activity;

  • (Impersonate) impersonate or imitate a person or company, including in relation to setting up the services;

  • (Antisocial behaviour) act in disrespectful, threatening, abusive, harassing, indecent, tortious, libellous, or otherwise objectionable way; and

  • (Profanity) use any term of offence or profanity in connection with a Service, including when communicating with our support teams, when selecting a sub-domain or posting comments/reviews.

Service integrity

  • (Access) hack or otherwise access another user's or third party's information without their permission;

  • (Data) use any technology intended to scrape, mine, harvest or extract data;

  • (Interference) interfere with the accessibility of the Service, including by framing, imbedding, placing pop-up windows, or otherwise modify access to a Service;

  • (Avoidance) use or allow others to use a Service in a way that circumvents this Policy, the Terms and any other contractual limitation applicable to the Services;

  • (Competition) allow a direct competitor of Circularo to access or use the Services;

  • (Development) use a Service to develop or operate services similar or competitive to the Services;

  • (Marketing) benchmark, compare or otherwise use a Service other than for internal business purposes, including engaging in mass communications, advertising or marketing.


  • (Personal Information) request personal, sensitive, medical or financial information from other users or third parties;

  • (Identity) misrepresent your identity or affiliation with a Customer, entity or person;

Intellectual Property & Other Rights

  • (Intellectual Property) infringe Circularo's or a third party’s intellectual property rights, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral rights, privacy rights of publicity, or any other intellectual property right or proprietary or contractual right;

  • (Third Party Rights) upload to, transmit using or download from a Service any material that infringes third-party rights recognised under applicable laws.

Activities that infringe another's copyright are strictly prohibited when using the Services. We will remove content if that content infringes another's copyright if the proper notification process has been followed. This process requires you to:

  • identify the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed;

  • identify the content or material that you believe infringes your copyright. Please include a URL, screenshot or other sufficient detail to allow us to locate the information on the Services;

  • provide us with your contact details, including name telephone number, or email;

  • explain why you believe in good faith that copyright is being infringed and/or why the authorised copyright owner has not given permission for it to be used in connection to the Services;

  • confirm that you have accurately and truthly made this report.


You must not use another's trademark in connection with the Services, unless you have their express written permission. If you believe your trademark is being used without authorisation in connection with the Services, please notify us at Please include the following information with your notification:

  • identify the trademark that you believe is being infringed and include a registration number;

  • identify the content or material that you believe infringes your trademark. Please include a URL, screenshot or other sufficient detail to allow us to locate the information on the Services;

  • provide us with your contact details, including name telephone number, or email;

  • explain why you believe the trademark is being infringed and/or why the authorised trademark owner has not given permission for it to be used in connection to the Services;

  • confirm that you have accurately and truthly made this report.

In relation to copyright and trademark reports, we will review your notification and investigate. While investigating, we may notify the alleged infringer that you (or another party) has claimed ownership of copyrighted material or a trademark, or take any other action that we believe appropriate in the circumstances. If we require further information, we will email you. We will notify you when we have completed our investigation and/or complied with your request.

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